My Programs

More About My Offerings

Functional nutrition is slow medicine centered on your unique body, your health history, and your goals. 

A lot of holistic medicine models operate just like traditional Western medicine—with only 15 minutes or so to assess your situation, they dive right into testing and supplement suggestions without getting the full picture of who you are. In both models, the driving force of profit gets in the way of your true healing. 

This wise allocation of your resources requires an initial out-of-pocket investment, whose payoffs can be measured by years added to your life, higher quality of living and tens of thousands of dollars saved in future healthcare costs.

Functional Nutrition Blueprint

In this condensed program you will receive a comprehensive map to your health journey. Included are an intake session, an initial plan mapping session and a closing session. This offering is best for highly motivated individuals whom aren’t dealing with complex auto-immune symptoms.


16 Week Functional Nutrition Reset

Beginning with a comprehensive evaluation of your past and current health history, we then lay out the road map toward achieving your goals. Using your symptoms as guides, we will test different diet and lifestyle changes over short periods of time to learn more about your body’s true needs. 

In addition to our twice-monthly meetings, there are supplemental resources to support your unique journey. Along the way, I am here to help you with all things food-related— from custom recipes to meal plans to shopping and cooking strategies.

It can take many years for our bodies to fall out of alignment. As such, healing generally does not happen overnight. Only through time, iteration, and dedication, can you find your way back to vibrant health. The benefit to this methodical approach is that the results also stick because they are based on your direct experience, and what works for you, as opposed to theories or “shoulds.”

Some of the conditions and symptoms I work with:

Gut dysbiosis, Candida, Metabolic disorders, Hormonal imbalance, Auto-immune disorders, Muscle loss, Mold toxicity, Rheumatoid Arthritis, MCAS, MS, IBS, Digestive distress, Skin issues, Sleep disturbances, and much more…

Each client session is crafted to your specific bio-individual and goals. Some of the techniques and methods used include various types of food journaling, continuous blood glucose monitors, targeted elimination diets, cleanses, supplemental support, specific exercise regimes, meal plans, recipe suggestions.

Cost of 16-week (8-session) program: $2000. Payment plans are available.

To sign up, learn more, chat about your health or have a question answered, book a discovery call or email me at

8 Week Midlife Reset for Women

Are you someone who was feeling generally well until the early signs of peri-menopause came on? Are you highly motivated and have an easy time making lifestyle changes? This shorter, more fast-paced offering with weekly meetings is designed to help you turn your health around and get you on track for this second phase of life. 

By hitting a few targets areas essential to health in middle age: proper nutrition for your unique body, blood sugar balance, sleep, and exercise for this phase of life, you will come out of this month and a half offering on track to living with more vibrant energy. 

This individualized program starts with a comprehensive intake of your health history. We spend our first session mapping your body and goals, and then get to working making changes geared towards quick results.

To allow the wisdom of our experience to shine through us, we must align our body’s needs with those of our heart and minds. My focus on our health with masterful guidance and support, we can usher in this phase of life vibrantly, living to our full potential.

Cost of the 8-week (6-session) program: $2000. Includes DUTCH test and blood sugar monitors. Payment plans are available.

Ongoing Support for Auto-Immune and Complex Conditions

It takes us many years to fall out of health. As such, it takes time to restore our bodies to good health. If you have completed the 16 week reset, and uncovered the root cause of your symptoms, this custom program is designed to continue to support you while you deal with more persistant auto-immune related issues like MCAS, Hashimoto’s, Nervous System Dysregulation, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Mold and Heavy Metal Detox and more.

To sign up, learn more, chat about your health or have a question answered, book a discovery call or email me at